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发布日期:2025-01-03 19:13    点击次数:55

  《厦门市滨北超级总部基地城市设计及建筑概念方案》国际征集竞赛公告 Announcement of International Solicitation Competition of the Urban Design and Architectural Concept Plan of the XiamenBinbei Super Headquarters Base   一、项目背景   I. Project Background   滨北超级总部基地位于厦门本岛西部城市核心区域、筼筜湖北岸,该项目是落实“高素质、高颜值”的要求,推动市委、市政府实施“岛内大提升”战略的重大举措。片区拟引入一流投资,引进世界500强、一带一路等企业区域总部和知名高科技企业,打造超级总部集中区,增强对区域经济的辐射带动力,进一步提升城市知名度和影响力。   Binbei Super Headquarter Base is located in the core area of the west of Xiamen Island and the North Bank of Yundang Lake. This project is an important measure to implement the requirements of “high quality and high value” and to promotethe implementation ofthe strategy of “great promotion within the island” by municipal party committee and the municipal government. The district plans to introduce first-class investment, introduce regional headquarters and well-known high-tech enterprises, such as the world’s top 500 companies, the Belt and Road, etc., to build a super-headquarters concentration area, to enhance the radiation power to the regional economy, and to further enhance the city’s popularity and influence.   为按照国际一流的标准,高起点规划、高标准建设,塑造高质量发展、高品质生活、绿色生态、充满活力的城市空间环境,形成立体高效、集约开发的典范,同时建立面向规划管控的城市设计体系,为后续控规优化、建筑景观设计及实施建设提供依据,特开展此次国际征集工作。   In order to create a high-quality development, a high-quality life, a green environment and a dynamic urban space environment in accordance with the international first-class standards, high starting point planning and high-standard construction, and to form a model of three-dimensional, efficient and intensive development, and to establish a system of urban design oriented to planning and control, so as to provide a basis for subsequent planning optimization, architectural landscape design and implementation of the construction, the international solicitation work is specially carried out.   图1区位图   Figure 1 Location map   二、设计范围   II. Design Scope   (一)城市设计范围   (I) Urban design scope   (1)总体城市设计范围:东至莲岳路,南至筼筜湖,西至狐尾山,北至仙岳山,总用地面积约3平方公里,完成概念性总体城市设计。   (1) Overall urban design range: east to Lianyue Road, south to Yundang Lake, west to Huwei Mountain, north to Xianyue Mountain, total land area of about 3 square kilometers, and the conceptual overall urban design is completed.   (2)重点片区城市设计范围:东至湖滨东路,南至筼筜湖,西至湖滨中路,北至仙岳路,总面积约90公顷。   (2) Urban design scope of the key areas: east to Hubin East Road, south to Yundang Lake, west to Hubin Middle Road, north to Xianyue Road, with a total area of about 90 hectares.   (二)建筑概念方案设计范围   (II) Design scope of architectural concept plan   包括原外贸仓库片区、法院北侧、人才市场及原厦新片区等地块,总面积约30公顷。   Including the original foreign trade warehouse area, the court on the north side, the talent market and the original Xiamen new piece area and other plots, with a total area of about 30 hectares.    图2设计范围示意图   Figure 2 Schematic diagram of design scope   三、征集方式   III. Ways of Solicitation   本次国际征集包括“公开征集及机构遴选”、“方案编制及评审”二个阶段。计划在全球范围内公开征集,设计机构根据本次国际征集规则及设计任务书,提交相应的报名文件和概念提案。由主办单位召开专家评审会,择优选取6家入围机构参与下一阶段方案编制及评审。   The international solicitation includes two stages: “open solicitation and institutional selection” and “program preparation and evaluation”.The design institute will submit the corresponding registration documents and concept proposal according to the international collection rules and design specification.The sponsor will hold an expert review meeting and select 6 finalists to participate in the next stage of planning and evaluation.   四、报名要求   IV. Registration Requirements   本次国际征集活动不设资质要求,境内外设计机构均可报名参加,允许联合体报名,不限制联合体成员数量。不接受个人及个人组合的报名。联合体各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的设计机构组成联合体参加本次国际征集。   The international solicitation activities do not have qualification requirements, domestic and foreign design agencies can sign up to participate, allow the consortium to register, do not limit the number of members of the consortium.Entries of individual and individual groups are not accepted.The parties to a consortium may no longer participate in the international solicitation by themselves or in a consortium with other design agencies.   境内外设计机构必须具有经合法注册并在有效期内的营业执照,且必须具有独立企业法人资格。法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人,母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司,不得同时报名参赛。   The domestic and foreign design institutions must have the business license registered legally and within the validity period, and must have the legal person status of an independent enterprise.The legal representative shall be two or more legal persons of the same person, the parent company, the wholly-owned subsidiary and its holding company, and shall not enter for the competition at the same time.   考虑到新冠疫情对国际航班等的影响,境外设计机构(在中国境内无分支机构)必须与境内设计机构组成联合体参加本次国际征集。   In view of the impact of the new crown epidemic on international flights, overseas design institutions (no branch in China) must form a consortium with domestic design agencies to participate in the international solicitation.   参与本次国际征集竞赛的设计人员应为该设计机构的在册人员,主创设计师须由主持过多个同类型项目、获得国际国内建筑成就奖的知名建筑师担任,需有10年以上相关工作经验,须直接参与咨询设计全过程,包括现场踏勘、成果汇报、评审答疑等重要节点工作(含视频会议)。如在本次国际征集过程中发现主创设计师与报名材料所提交的团队人员不符,主办单位有权取消其参加资格。为了保证项目规划设计人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,项目规划设计人员中应至少有一名通晓汉语的人士。   The designers participating in the international solicitation competition shall be the participants of the design organization. The lead designer shall be a well-known architect who has presided over many projects of the same type and won the International and Domestic Architectural Achievement Award. He shall have more than 10 years of relevant working experience and shall be directly involved in the whole process of the design consultation, including on-site reconnaissance, report of achievements, evaluation and question answering, and other important work (including video conferencing).If it is found in the international solicitation process that the principal designer is not in conformity with the team members submitted by the registered materials, the organizer has the right to cancel his qualification. In order to ensure the accurate understanding of the local background and related requirements of the project planners and planners, there should be at least one Chinese-speaking person.   具有以下同类项目经验的设计机构优先考虑:   Design organizations with the following similar project experience are preferred:   (1)具有国际高端中央商务区(深圳、香港、新加坡、日本等)、交通枢纽片区、重点地段、滨水地区的城市设计综合研究能力与实践经验;   (1) He/She has comprehensive research ability and practical experience in urban design of international high-end central business district (Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, etc.), transportation hub area, key area and waterfront area;   (2)具有丰富的城市规划、城市设计、建筑风貌、公共空间等设计经验。   (2) He/She has rich experience in urban planning, urban design, architectural style, public space, etc.   五、日程安排   V. Schedule   本次国际征集包括“公开征集及机构遴选”、“方案编制及评审”二个阶段,具体安排详见下表:   The international solicitation includes two stages: “open solicitation and institutional selection” and “plan preparation and review”. The specific arrangements are show in the following table:   阶段   时间   事项   第一阶段   公开征集及机构遴选   2020年12月15日   发布正式征集公告,接受报名   2021年2月1日17:00前   设计机构截止时间前须填写报名表(附件1),并发送至指定邮箱   2021年2月9日16:00前   设计机构提交报名文件和概念提案的纸质文件及U盘   2021年2月中下旬(暂定)   召开设计机构遴选评委会   2021年2月中下旬(暂定)   公布设计机构遴选会结果   第二阶段   方案编制及评审   2021年3月上旬(暂定)   发布第二阶段征集文件   2021年3月上旬(暂定)   组织踏勘、答疑会   2021年6月中旬(暂定)   提交设计成果(提交地点另行通知)   2021年6月中旬(暂定)   方案评审会   2021年7月(暂定)   公布方案优胜结果   Stage   Time   Transaction   First stage   Open solicitation and institutional selection   December 15,2020   Issue a formal solicitation notice and accept the application   Before 17:00 on  February 1, 2021   The design organization shall fill in the application form (Annex 1) before the deadline and send it to the designated mailbox   Before 16:00 on  February9, 2021   Paper documents and U-disks submitted by design agencies for registration documents and conceptual proposals   Mid-to-lateFebruary 2021 (Provisional)   To convene the selection committee of the design organization   Mid-to-late February 2021 (Provisional)   Announce the results of the design agency selection meeting   Second stage   Plan preparation and review   Early March 2021 (Provisional)   Publish the second phase of solicitation documents   Early March 2021 (Provisional)   Organize an expedition, a question-and-answer meeting   Mid-June 2021 (Provisional)   Submission of design results (place of submissionwill be announced later)   Mid-June 2021 (Provisional)   Programme review committee   July 2021 (Provisional)   Publish the program’s winning results   注:以上时间以北京时间为准,主办方保留对具体时间节点作适时调整的权利。   Note: The above time is based on Beijing time. The organizer reserves the right to make timely adjustments to the specific time node.   六、征集奖金   VI. Collect bonus   设计机构在规定时间内提交有效应征文件,且满足本征集文件要求,由评审委员会按程序对6家机构提交的方案设计成果进行评审,并确定排名,设计机构将获得如下征集奖金(含税):   The design institution shall submit valid requisition documents within the prescribed time period and meet the requirements of this solicitation document, and the review committee shall review the design results submitted by 6 institutions according to the procedure, and determine the ranking, and the design institution shall receive the following solicitation bonus (including tax):   一等奖(1名):总计人民币伍佰伍拾万元整(小写¥5,500,000.00元),其中包括奖金叁佰万元整(小写¥3,000,000.00元)及方案深化整合费用人民币贰佰伍拾万元整(小写¥2,500,000.00元);   二等奖(1名):人民币贰佰陆拾万元整(小写¥2,600,000.00元);   三等奖(1名):人民币贰佰肆拾万元整(小写¥2,400,000.00元);   其他入围单位(3名):各人民币贰佰万元整(小写¥2,000,000.00元)。   First prize (1 person): a total of RMBfive million five hundred thousandonly (lowercase RMB 5,500,000.00), including RMB three million only in bonus (lowercase RMB 3,000,000.00 ) and RMBtwo million only in plan for further integration (lowercaseRMB 2,500,000.00);   Second prize (1 person): RMB two million six hundred thousand only (lowercaseRMB 2,600,000.00);   The third prize (1 person): RMB two million four hundred thousand only (lowercaseRMB 2,400,000.00);   Other shortlisted units (3 persons): RMB two million each only (lowercase RMB 2,000,000.00).   奖金在本次国际征集结果公示结束(且没有异议)后开始办理支付手续。奖金费用均以人民币支付,设计机构所获奖金产生的任何税金由设计机构自理。   The bonus will be paid after the announcement of the results of this international solicitation (without any objection).The bonus fee shall be paid in RMB, and any taxes incurred by the design institution shall be borne by the design institution itself.   设计机构应按照要求提供国内合法增值税发票等付款资料,并按照要求配合完成费用结算各项手续。   The design organization shall provide payment information such as domestic legal VAT invoice and cooperate to complete the expenses settlement procedures as required.   境外设计机构若无法使用本机构帐户收取人民币的,可授权境内合法独立法人代收款项及开具发票。   If an overseas design institution is unable to use its account to collect RMB, it may authorize the domestic legal independent legal person to collect and issue invoices.   原则上由获得一等奖的设计机构完成方案深化整合工作;如一等奖机构放弃深化整合工作,由二等奖、三等奖的设计机构按照先后次序取得方案深化整合资格,并另行签订深化整合工作服务合同,费用总额人民币贰佰伍拾万元整(小写¥2,500,000.00元)(含税)。   In principle, the first prizewinning design institutions to complete the plan to deepen integration work; If the first prize institutions to give up deepening integration work, the second prize and third prize design shall obtain the scheme deepening integration qualification in accordance with the sequence, and another contract to deepen integration of work services signed, the total cost of RMB two million five hundred thousand only (lowercase RMB 2,500,000.00) (including tax).   七、报名方式   Ⅶ. RegistrationMethod   凡有意参加本次方案征集活动的应征机构,需先进行报名登记,应征机构下载报名表(附件1)并完整填写报名信息后,发送邮件至指定邮箱[email protected],承办方收到报名表后,以邮件方式回复征集文件和报名文件制作指引手册等相关文件。若应征机构有疑问,请将疑问以邮件方式发至承办方邮箱[email protected],承办方将于1月5日及1月20日分两批统一以邮件形式回复疑问清单。报名表需在北京时间2021年2月1日17:00前提交,逾期送交或不符合规定的报名信息恕不接受。   For those who are interested in participating in the solicitation activities, they should register first, download the application form (Appendix 1) and complete the registration information. The application form should send an email to the designated email address [email protected] receiving the application form, the sponsor respond to the solicitation documents and the guidance manual for the preparation of the application documents by mail.Since there is any questions from the solicitation company,please send the Email to the sponsor mailbox: [email protected]. The sponsor will reply twice on January 5th and January 20th in Email to answer all the questions.Theapplication form should be submitted before 17:00 on February1,2021. Any overdue or non-conforming registration information will not be accepted.   报名材料需要严格按照相关要求制作,递交报名材料包括现场递交和快递邮寄两种方式。在疫情特殊情况下,以快递邮寄方式递交时,请预留足够的快递运输时间。   The application materials should be made in strict accordance with the relevant requirements. Submission materials include two ways: on-site delivery and express mail. Please reserve sufficient express shipping time for delivery by courier in special epidemic situation.   递交报名材料的时间及地点:报名应征机构需于2021年2月9日16时前将报名材料(包含报名文件和概念提案)的纸质文件及U盘形式提交送达到下述指定地点。报名材料书面文件递交地址:厦门市思明区湖滨北路101号,厦门市滨北超级总部基地建设指挥部,颜工(收),0592-5110759。接收报名材料时间为工作日09:00-16:00,逾期送交或不符合规定的报名材料恕不接受。   The date and place of submission of the application materials: The applicant should submit the paper documents and USB flash drive form of the application materials (including the application documents and the concept proposal) to the designated place by 16:00 on February 9,2021.Address of written application materials: Construction Headquarters ofBinbei Super Headquarters Base, No.101,Hubing North Road, Siming District, Xiamen City,Yan Gong (received),010-58323854. The time of receiving application materials is 09:00-16:00 on weekdays, late delivery or not in line with the requirements of the registration materials will not be accepted.   八、发布平台   VIII. Publication Platform   本公告在中国招标投标公共服务平台(www.cebpubservice.com)、中国城市规划网(www.planning.org.cn)、厦门市自然资源和规划局官网()同时发布。本公告的修改、补充以在上述网站媒体发布的内容为准。本公告中如有中、英文不一致之处,以中文为准。   This announcement is published on the China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (www.cebpubservice.com), China Urban Planning Network (www.planning.org.cn), and the official website of Xiamen Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau () at the same time.The amendment and supplement of this announcement shall be subject to the content published in the media on the above-mentioned website.If there is any inconsistency between Chinese and English in this notice, the Chinese language shall prevail.   九、组织机构   IXOrganization   主办单位:厦门市滨北超级总部基地建设指挥部   承办单位:厦门市土地发展中心   联系人:颜工   联系电话:0592-5110759   联系邮箱:[email protected]   Sponsor: Xiamen Binbei Super Headquarters Base Construction Command   Organizer: Xiamen Land Development Center   Contact: Yan Gong   Contact number:0592-5110759   Contact mailbox: [email protected]   附件1:   Annex 1:   《厦门市滨北超级总部基地城市设计及建筑概念方案》国际征集竞赛应征机构报名表   Application Form forApplicants of International Solicitation Competition of the Urban Design and Architectural Concept Plan of the XiamenBinbei Super Headquarters Base

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